1. Name
The name of the Division is:
Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA): Student Division, hereafter referred to as the Division.
2. Status
2.1. The Division is a division of the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) and is established in accordance with Article 12 of the constitution of PsySSA.
2.2. In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of these regulations and the constitution of PsySSA, the latter constitution shall prevail.
3. Objectives
3.1. Developing an organisational structure for psychology that reconciles historically opposed groups;
3.2. To serve the needs and the interests of all South Africa’s people;
3.3. To acknowledge and surpass psychology’s role in the apartheid system;
3.4 Ensuring that the division remains an organ of civil society without an overt or covert loyalty to any political party.
3.5 Advancing psychology as a science, profession and as a means of promoting human well-being;
3.6. Actively striving for social justice, opposing policies that deny individuals or groups access to the material and psychological conditions necessary for optimal human development and protesting against any violation of basic human rights;
3.7. To establish and maintain the highest standard of ethics;
3.8. Engaging in policy development processes that are relevant to social enhancement and psychological practice in South Africa;
3.9 Promoting the rendering or and advancing mental health services to all in South Africa.
4. Implementation
4.1. The Division pursues its aims by:
4.1.1. Holding discussions and meetings, by publications and other steps deemed desirable;
4.1.2. Promoting discipline amongst its members in accordance with the prescribed ethical code, and
4.2. The Division shall not conduct any business with a view to profit for either the division or any of its members.
5. Membership
5.1. Student Members
Student members shall be currently registered students of psychology at the undergraduate, honours or masters’ level, and registered interns but no member shall be registered as a psychologist in South Africa.
5.2. Affiliate Members
Persons interested in psychology as a science or as a profession may apply for affiliate membership.
6. General Rules regarding Membership
6.1. Applications for membership must be submitted in writing to the Secretariat of PsySSA.
6.2. The right of conferring membership lies with the executive committee of the society.
6.3. Membership of all members of the division is subject to the payment of the prescribed fees.
6.4. A member may terminate his / her membership by notifying the Secretariat of PsySSA in writing, who in turn would notify the Division of such resignation.
6.5. Members whose membership fees are in arrears may not vote at General Meetings.
7. Disciplinary Steps
7.1. The Executive Committee of the Division may recommend to the council of PsySSA that disciplinary or other action be taken against members whose conduct is detrimental to the objectives of PsySSA and the Division. A member is entitled to appear in person at a meeting of the executive committee of the division, before any final decision is taken on such recommendation to the council.
7.2. The disciplinary measures may be in the form of a warning, suspension, or expulsion from the Society at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
7.3. An appeal against the above decision may be made to council within one calendar month.
8. Management
8.1. The general control and guidance in respect of policy and the business of the Division shall be vested in the Executive Committee of the Division.
9. Voting Rights
9.1. Student members shall have the right to vote at General Meetings.
9.2. Affiliate members shall have no voting rights.
9.3. The voting rights of persons more than 6 months in arrears with their fees shall be suspended by Council and persons more than 12 months in arrears shall be dropped from membership by Council.
10. Composition of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Division shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-chairperson, a Secretary, Treasurer and three additional members. Only student members are eligible for election. The Division after establishment will nominate a member to represent it on the Council of PsySSA.
11. Election of the Chairperson
Voting for the chairperson will be conducted every Second year at the Annual General Meeting. The Chairperson shall serve for a maximum of two successive terms. Voting shall take place by ballot or by show of hands as the Chairperson may determine.
12. The Election of the Chairperson
12.1. Nomination of the eligible members must be submitted in writing before the Annual General Meeting.
12.2. Only Student Members may be nominated as candidates for the election, and the proposed as well as the seconded must be a student member.
12.3. Should no nominations be received, the election of the chairperson shall take place during the following A.G.M.
13. Functions of the Executive Committee
13.1. Members of the executive committee of the Division remain in office until such time as a new Executive Committee has been elected, but the executive committee may fill vacancies, which may occur until the next A.G.M by majority vote.
13.2. The application of these by-laws.
13.3. To pass on recommendations and suggestions to the Council of PsySSA.
13.4. Manage the day -to – day affairs of the Division and take such decisions to attain the objectives of the Division.
13. Functions of the Executive Committee
13.1. Members of the executive committee of the Division remain in office until such time as a new Executive Committee has been elected, but the executive committee may fill vacancies, which may occur until the next A.G.M by majority vote.
13.2. The application of these by-laws.
13.3. To pass on recommendations and suggestions to the Council of PsySSA.
13.4. Manage the day -to – day affairs of the Division and take such decisions to attain the objectives of the Division.
14. Finances
14.1. All subscriptions to the Division are determined by the Division in conjunction with council will be collected by the Secretariat of PsySSA. An administration fee as set by council on an annual basis is charged for such collection.
14.2. The Division may generate additional funds for the financing of the activities of the Division.
14.3. The Division shall submit an annual income and expenditure account to council for the purpose of financial control.
15. Meetings
15.1. An A.G.M. of the division convenes once a year at such a time and place as decided upon during the preceding A.G.M.
15.2. The chairperson of the Executive Committee may convene a Special General Meeting should it be deemed necessary, or at the written request of a minimum of fifteen Student members.
15.3. At the A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting a quorum shall consist of the members present.
15.4. At a General Meeting the majority of the votes shall be decisive.
15.5. Members shall be given at least 30 days written notice of a General Meeting and such notice shall include the agenda of the meeting.
15.6. Only student members of the Division are entitled to vote.
15.7. At all meetings the chairperson has a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.
16. Amendments to the By-Laws of the Division
16.1 Written notice of proposals to amend the constitution, proposed and seconded by student members, shall be circulated to members at least 30 days prior to the General Meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.
16.2 Amendments to the by-laws become operative when approved at the AGM by a two-third majority of votes cast by the student members present.
17. Dissolution
NB 17.1 The division shall be dissolved if such a decision is taken at an AGM by a two-third majority of the student members present. The liabilities of the division will remain the joint responsibility of the members of the division.
17.2. When membership of a division has been below fifty over a period of two successive years, and such division will in the opinion of council not revive, council shall recommend to a General Meeting that the Division be disbanded, and council shall dispose of the assets and liabilities of a disbanded Division.