Although Community Psychology is not a registration category with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, it is a vital field of psychology. There are various ways in which one can become involved in Community Psychology, various avenues, training, and degrees. Here, Executive Members of the Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division of PsySSA, discuss Community and Social Psychology.
Our guest professionals are ?? ?????? ??????????? and ?? ???? ?? ????. Their expertise and extensive experience will undoubtedly benefit webinar attendees, so don’t miss this opportunity, brought to you exclusively by the PsySSA Student Division in association with the Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division of PsySSA @casppsyssa .
?? ?????? ??????????? is a registered educational psychologist with expertise in community development and system-level programme design for transformative social change. Dr Cherrington is the Chairperson of the Community and Social Psychology (CaSP) Division of PsySSA, a BEd Honours Programme Co-ordinator at STADIO School of Education, and Research Associate with Nelson Mandela University. . Dr Cherrington’s research focuses on transformative change in South African teacher education programmes.
?? ???? ?? ???? is a Clinical Psychologist and full-time lecturer in the Department of Psychology at UNISA, where she is also part of the clinical team who is responsible for the Masters in Clinical Psychology programme. In the Clinical programme, she teaches Community, critical and gender psychologies, African Epistemologies and Ecosystemic theory. Ms Du Rand is also an executive member of PsySSA’s Community and Social Psychology Division. . Her research interests include: Indigenous collective trauma, historical trauma, indigenous knowledge and healing systems, decolonial theories, community health.
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